Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Weave-Along!

    • Welcome to the Discover Gradients Weave-Along!

    • Meet Your Instructors

    • Weave-Along Calendar

    • Before we start: What to do this week

    • Course survey

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    How the Course Works

    • Intro to Zoom

    • Getting Help with the Project

    • Printing Course Content

    • Free Access -- for a Limited Time

    • Course FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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    Project Specs and Downloads

    • Course Downloads

    • Project Specs

    • Project WIF files

    • Linear gradient, 10/2 cotton

    • Linear gradient, 8/2 cotton

    • Linear gradient, 3/2 cotton

    • Curved gradient, 10/2 cotton

    • Curved gradient, 8/2 cotton

    • Curved gradient, 3/2 cotton

    • Fibonacci gradient, 10/2 cotton

    • Fibonacci gradient, 8/2 cotton

    • Fibonacci gradient, 3/2 cotton

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    • Webinar Schedule

    • Webinar Livestream

    • Quick and Dirty Webinar Recordings

    • 15 August 2021 - Sunday Lecture #1

    • 18 August 2021 - Wednesday Q&A #1

    • 22 August 2021 - Sunday Lecture #2

    • 25 August 2021 - Wednesday Q&A #2

    • 29 August 2021 - Sunday Lecture #3

    • 1 September 2021 - Wednesday Q&A #3

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    Week Zero: Choosing and Ordering Yarns

    • Choosing Yarns for the Weave-Along

    • Choosing your own color palette

    • About the kits

    • Crossword Puzzle: Welcome to Discover Gradients!

    • Word Search: Welcome to Discover Gradients!

    • Crossword Solution: Welcome to Discover Gradients!

    • Word Search Solution: Welcome to Discover Gradients!

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    Using the Color Editor

    • About the Color Editor

    • Mini-Course: Using the Color Editor

    • Printable Color Editor manual

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    Week One: Designing Your Gradient

    • Welcome to Week One: Designing Your Gradient!

    • Types of gradients

    • Choosing Colors for Warp Gradients: Smooth or Dramatic Gradients?

    • Designing Linear Gradients

    • Designing Curved Gradients

    • Designing Fibonacci Gradients

    • Designing Your Napkins

    • Design your project: Linear Gradient - 10/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Linear Gradient - 8/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Linear Gradient - 3/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Curved Gradient - 10/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Curved Gradient - 8/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Curved Gradient - 3/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Fibonacci Gradient - 10/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Fibonacci Gradient - 8/2 cotton

    • Design your project: Fibonacci Gradient - 3/2 cotton

    • What did you learn?

    • Project Mission: Designing Your Gradient

    • Crossword Puzzle: Week One

    • Word Search: Week One

    • Crossword Puzzle Solution: Week One

    • Word Search Solution: Week One

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    Week Two: Choosing Wefts, Warping, and WEAVING!

    • Week Two Roadmap

    • Choosing weft colors - dramatic vs. subtle

    • Choosing weft colors: Color Mixing

    • Making a Warp Color Order Chart

    • Winding a Color Gradient Warp on a Warping Board

    • Putting a Color Gradient Warp on your Rigid Heddle Loom

    • Tips and Tricks: Getting with the Beat

    • Weaving Instructions: 10/2 cotton napkins

    • Weaving Instructions: 8/2 cotton napkins

    • Weaving Instructions: 3/2 cotton napkins (Rigid Heddle)

    • What did you learn?

    • Project Mission, Week Two: Choosing Wefts, Warping, and Weaving!

    • Crossword Puzzle: Week Two

    • Word Search Puzzle: Week Two

    • Crossword Puzzle Solution: Week Two

    • Word Search Puzzle Solution: Week Two

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    Week Three: Finishing Your Napkins and Next Steps!

    • Welcome to Week Three!

    • Securing your edges

    • Wet Finishing Your Napkins

    • Hemming Your Napkins

    • Project Mission

    • The Gradient Editor

    • Play with Gradient Editor!

    • Double gradients

    • Reversible gradients

    • Gradients beyond plain weave

    • Future study

    • Crossword Puzzle: Week Three

    • Word Search Puzzle: Week Three

    • Please give us your feedback!

    • Crossword Puzzle Solution: Week Three

    • Word Search Puzzle Solution: Week Three

    • And that's it!